Production of Petrochemical Products by creating value added upon fossil raw materials for the purpose of increasing wealth & welfare for society in the past & future

Perspective: The smartest Productive Petro Refining Company of Iran in 2025


The smartest and Master means:

Production: the highest amount of production in products (tone)

Sale: the highest amount of product export (Tone)

Profit: The most profitable Petro Refining Company

Employees: The highest range of consent of employees

Environment: Holder of Green Industry certificate from Environment Organization

Sublimity: holder of Petrochemical Industry Sublimity Award


concerning the petrochemical products market process inside and outside the country, we try to answer the consumer’s changing needs and by applying creative methods , modern and efficient ( provide a motivated environment for employees) help to the development of country social & economical growth and obtain the beneficiaries consent .

Organization Values:

The Rule of Law

Financial Honesty & transparency

Learner & Teacher

Petro Refining Brand Reputation

Human Resources Meritocracy

Loyalty to occupational obligations regarding all beneficiaries