The 12th phase located in the last east southern part of south pars gas field in the boarder line with Qatar . Its marine parts is about 150 kilometer from the Iran coastal line and its desert parts in the Kangan district (65 km of west Aasalooyeh). This phase is the largest phase (3 times bigger than other phases).
This phase produced 81 million cube meters rich gas daily. In this phase Rich gas is used without recovering of Ethane . because of the importance of combinations of this gas such as Ethane, propane, Butane, +C5, the Kangan Petri Refining Company is established.
Kangan Petro Refining project includes 2 phases:
First phase : Ethane failure & recovering plane for recovering the valuable products such as such as Ethane, propane, Butane, +C5, from the natural rich gas.
Second phase: carking plane of Ethane & polymer includes Olefin , Heavy & lightest poly ethylene, Mono Ethylene glycol and etc. this project is established for supplying the products to local market and also for export.
The project situation
The kangan site , is located in Khalij-e-fars beach in Booshehr province, 20 kilometers to south east of Kangan and 70 kilometers from asalooyeh approximately.
Project Total Model